Unchain talent to reach the best possible potential

Find the best opportunity jobs, apply for a job or refer your friends to join so that you can earn UCT tokens, grow the platform and own it.
Unchain talent to reach the best possible potential
WHY UCTAlent #1

Match job opportunities with the best talent

1. Create a Profile

Searching for the right job has become increasingly challenging and frustrating. UCTalent aims to alleviate this by helping talent construct comprehensive profiles, enabling accurate matching with suitable job opportunities.
UCTalent Talent Profile

2. Set Preferences

By simply setting job preferences and applying filters based on the right criteria, you can reduce the number of job applications while increasing your chances of receiving offers.
Set Job Alert Preferences

3. Receive Job Alerts

Utilizing AI-powered job alerts and recommendations, you can maintain a sense of calm and continue with your daily life, without the worry of missing out on the ideal career opportunity you desire.
Receive Job Alerts
WHY UCTAlent #2

Build, grow, and take ownership of UCTalent

UCTalent Tokens

UCTalent Tokens

Joining our platform, completing your profile, applying for jobs, succeeding in interviews, and receiving offers not only advance your career but also earn you UCTalent tokens. With these tokens, you can access a wider range of platform services and products designed to support your maximum potential.
External Link
Job Referral

Job Referral

Inviting your friends to join our talent network is a fantastic way to earn more UCTalent tokens. By referring individuals to job opportunities, you can boost your token balance. Additionally, helping your company find talent on UCTalent not only benefits our platform but also brings you more tokens and financial rewards.
External Link
UCTalent Tokens

UCTalent Tokens

Joining our platform, completing your profile, applying for jobs, succeeding in interviews, and receiving offers not only advance your career but also earn you UCTalent tokens. With these tokens, you can access a wider range of platform services and products designed to support your maximum potential.
External Link
WHY UCTAlent #3

Become a pioneer to lead the future of Web3

Build, grow, and take ownership of UCTalent
Explore the web3 revolution, where you can use, interact with, and own websites/platforms. Don't miss out! Check our article on What is web3?
Seize the chance to develop your skills and gain hands-on experience by joining us in building UCTalent. Our platform offers a hackathon and co-development program, empowering talents to contribute and elevate UCTalent together.
As you co-develop the UCTalent platform, you gain knowledge, experience, and the chance to earn more UCTalent to become a building member or founding member, and actively participate in platform governance.