Tier and Points system

The UCTalent Pioneer Program has 12 tiers with distinct rewards. Moving up involves earning points through activities like profile creation, friend invites, and community contributions. Early adopters reaching levels within a set timeframe get additional bonuses. See tier details and point requirements below.
Points Required
Level 0
0 Points
Level 1
100 Points
Level 2
Web3 Savvy
200 Points
Level 3
Web Mongul
400 Points
Level 4
DAO Dreanmer
800 Points
Level 5
Blockchain Bards
16000 Points
Level 6
Web3 Wizards
3200 Points
Level 7
6400 Points
Level 8
128000 Points
Level 9
NFT Ninjas
256000 Points
Level 10
Web3 Wayfinders
512000 Points
Level 11
Crypto Crusaders
1024000 Points
Level 12
Future Pioneer
2048000 Points

How to earn points and Level up

Create an Account & Complete
your profile

This is the first step to start your journey with our platform. Create a account enhance your profile to unlock the benefit from earn UCT points.

Passing the KYC

Completing your KYC earns your UCT points for leveling up, enriching your platform experience with added benefits
and rewards.

Apply job or Referral a friend

Applying for a job or referring a friend not only brings you closer to your career goals but also rewards you with UCT points.

Daily and Weekly Challenge

Participating in the daily and weekly challenges is your ticket to earning additional UCT points. These engaging challenges offer a fun way to boost your points.

Building our Community

By actively aiding our community's growth, you not only
make a positive impact but also receive rewards as a token of our gratitude.

Benefit of Joining UCT Pioneer Program

Earn Reward

Receive UCT tokens, NFT
and more

Early Access

Get new features and
products first

Quick Support

Get new features and
products first

Exclusive Events

Build Network with
industry leaders

Governance Vote

Have your say in the future
of the platform


Build the new functions
with UCTalent


Be among the first to own
our node license